6 Amazing Travel Hack You Wish You Knew

Traveling is such a fun way to unwind, especially if you got nothing to worry about. However, it can be pretty difficult to some people. People complain about it being too expensive, too much hassle on the airport, takes too much time packing and so on and so fort. That is why we have gathered some of the wisest travel hacks you wish you knew before traveling.


This has got to be the wisest travel hack ever. It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling alone, or with your entire family. Vacuum bags will totally save you from those bulky and extreme full luggage. Vacuum bags can be purchase at your local home store or it can also be purchased online. It is basically called vacuum bags simply because it sucks the air out from the bag. So when you put your clothes in the vacuum bag, and you suck all the air out from it, it will totally shrink and you’ll realize you actually have a lot of space for more clothes and items to put in your luggage.

[su_quote cite=”Unknown” class=”cust-pagination”]“Travel when you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.” [/su_quote]


This is perfect especially for those people who are planning to travel internationally. One of the wisest thing to do before you fly to your destination is to find out what the weather is going to be like once you’re there. This is because, you should be aware of what kind of clothes you will wear and bring. For instance, you are from New York City, and it is December, so it is most likely winter and it is currently snowing, you are traveling to Australia in just a few days, unlike in the US, and the rest of the world, it is actually summer in Australia during the holidays, so instead of bringing those bulky coats, sweater, gloves, and jackets, you’ll only bring singlets, shorts, a hat, and swimwear.


Shoes can actually take too much space in your luggage, so the wisest thing to do is to only bring two pairs of different types of shoes. It can be pretty difficult to decide especially if you’re a woman. For instance, you’re from Los Angeles, California, and you are traveling to London, England. Since you will be checking on the weather, you’ll find out that it rains in London almost all the time, so instead of bringing some boots and stuffing it in your luggage, simply wear it, and just put some other shoes you will need when you get there.


Another wise thing to do is to scan all of your documents, such as visa, passport, identification cards, every type of important document you have and send it all to your email. It is also best to take photos of them on your phone. The reason for this is for you to have an extra copy of these documents in case they get lost or if it gets stolen. Send these emails to yourself before you get out of your house. Make sure to save them all.


It is best to actually mark your bags as fragile, so that they would actually handle your baggage correctly and with care. They would also make sure that your baggage is at the very top and it will also be one of the firsts to be released.


Some people may think that pens can easily be accessed but it is actually not. Flight attendants actually don’t have any of those most of the time, so be sure to bring a pen or two. The pen is actually for filling out custom forms.

[su_quote cite=”Anonymous ” class=”cust-pagination”] “Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” [/su_quote]

Which hack have you already tried and which hack do you think you will definitely try when you go travel, make sure to let us know and also share this article to your family and friends so they could have an idea about the wisest hacks when traveling.

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