Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos Is Now The Richest Man In The World

Move over Bill Gates, because Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is now the richest man in the world. This isn’t the first time that this happened though, but the Amazon’s stocks just keep on getting higher and higher. Finally, on the 27th of October, $7 billion was added to his wealth. Which is why he now has more than $90 billion based on the date from Bloomberg Billionaires index. The Microsoft founder is not far behind though, because that same night, his stocks went up to $550 million, however, it still wasn’t enough to be at the top spot because he only got $88.5 billion that night.


Bill Gates has been known to be the richest man in the world for so many years now, which is why people know him more. Then again, looks like a new richest man must be known to the world as well, but first, let’s get to know the company itself.

Amazon is today’s leading electronic commerce business based in Seattle, Washington that was actually founded more than 20 years ago by Jeff Bezos. They are currently the second-largest private employer in the entire United States of America with over half a million employees. Almost everything can be bought from Amazon and it’s just so convenient because it ships internationally.

Because of this, Bezos actually make more money in one single minute than the average person makes in a year. In 2016, he actually made $19.3 billion, which would then equal to $52 million days and over $2 million in an hour with $36,000 per minute. Last July, he managed to beat Gates at the top spot but Gates bounced back. In just a few years of business, Bezos managed to beat Warren Buffet and now Buffet is just in the 3rd spot, followed by Amancio Ortega and Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerburg.

Jeff Buzos just became the richest man in the world beating Bill Gates with $90 billion

At such a young age, Bezos has already been considered ambitious and very bright. While working in New York, he realized that the Internet is slowly taking over the world by storm and that it will definitely get bigger as the years go by with technology getting even more advanced, which is why in 1994, he thought of selling books online and decided to create in his garage, just twelve months after that, Amazon started selling books all over the country. It became even bigger when he introduced Amazon Prime subscription wherein you could get free 2-day shipping, up to this date, this has been the most important pillar of Amazon’s business. In 2007, Amazon took a big step when they started the tech business and manufacture different devices such as Kindle and Echo, which are both pretty big today. Amazon is not the only thing that is making Bezos rich because he also owns Blue Origin, which is a spaceflight service company and just a couple of years back, he bought the news website, Washington Post.

Amazon originally only sells books


He may have taken the throne from Microsoft’s Bill Gates as the richest man in the world, however, there is one title that he still doesn’t have and it is a title that is definitely not easy to get from Gates, and that is the world’s most generous. Bill Gates, has been known to be the world’s richest man for so many years now, but he is also known for making sure that he is influential especially when it comes to helping out those who are in need. That pressure surely did get to him and now Gates has been doing well in that department, together with his wife with their Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is known to be one of the largest foundations in the entire United States.
Bezos has yet to make his mark as a philanthropist, experts are now putting pressure on the Amazon founder because he seems to be so busy aiming to be richer without actually trying to give back. According to Ed Lazowksa from the University of Washington who solicited donations from Bezos.

Gates is not the only one who is known to be very philanthropic, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Pricilla Chan, have managed to make a huge sum of charitable commitments in the past few years. The same goes for Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and business magnate, Warren Buffet. The pressure is definitely at its peak because Bezos’ parents are philanthropists as well with their own Bezos Family Foundation, and as of 2015, it has managed to donate about $65 million to Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Research Center.

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