Simon Cowell Was So Impressed by This Musical Group That He Made a HUGE Donation to Their Cause

It seems that lately, Simon Cowell has been making headlines for all the right reasons. Just the other day, the talent coach was pictured giving £20 to a beggar in London after the woman approached him with her hand outstretched.

Making headlines for all the right reasons

With homelessness being one of the challenges the English capital faces, you could say that Simon has played a part in trying to make things better. After all, it’s the small things that count, right?

A Larger Sum

But even before the London incident, the otherwise controversial judge was on the news for an even larger sum. Being on BGT, AGT, and the X Factor, Simon has had the opportunity to witness raw talent at its very best.

One particular act touched his heart more than others ever have, compelling him to support their cause. Which one, you ask? It was a performance by Christie Musical, a theatre company started a decade ago to battle cancer. Through music, the organization raises funds that are then channeled to the cancer center at Manchester’s Christie Hospital.


Performing earlier in the year at Salford in February, Emma Norman, one of the company’s co-founders led 20 others into singing The Lion King’s Circle of Life, before receiving a standing ovation from the audience and four yeses from the judges, effectively proceeding to the next round of auditions.

Afterwards, Simon approached Emma, telling her how moved he was with what Christie Musical was doing, and also gave them a thumbs up for their performance. Additionally, he pledged to donate £10,000 to their cause.

And although this particular audition went pretty well for the group, they, unfortunately, didn’t make it to Britain’s Got Talent live shows. But you wouldn’t label them failures, would you? Certainly not!

Beyond Their Wildest Dreams

Taking to social media, Christie Musical admitted that the response they received after their performance was beyond their wildest dreams. They went on to reminisce on what the judges had told them, particularly that they were a special group whose synergy was evident for all to see. Alesha and Simon were particularly smitten over Emma’s vocals.

The response was beyond their wildest dreams

However, the group voiced their disappointment for not being included in the live shows, but they were still thankful for the amazing experience they had at BGT. They went on to confirm that Simon had already honored his pledge, donating the sum he promised in its totality. You wouldn’t expect anything less from the gentleman to be honest.

Speaking to Manchester Evening News, Emma couldn’t contain her excitement. And to be honest, who wouldn’t want to see a company they brought to life achieve such milestones? In front of an enviable crowd, they managed to have their voices heard, and we’re willing to bet that Simon wasn’t the only one sending money their way after the standing ovation.

Starting very small back in the day, Christie Musical has grown leaps and bounds, with its individual members growing to the point of having concerts of their own. They just seem to do everything seamlessly, either individually or collectively. And what could beat that? This is team work at its very best!

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