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Gabourey Sidibe – 50 Pounds – Healthy Eating Of Fruits And Vegetables

Since her breakthrough role as Precious for which she received several award nominations, Gabourey has shown a dramatic weight transformation after losing 50 pounds. She started losing weight mainly due to healthier eating habits. She even exercises a lot now to maintain her new figure. She even revealed that the purpose behind the transition is mainly that: health reasons. She dropped a lot of weight over years and still continues to shed off pounds. If you want to know more about her journey, you certainly can, since she chronicled the experience in a book she released in 2017.


Amy Schumer – 10 Pounds – Diet & Workout

Amy Schumer is not only one of the funniest comedians active today. She is also a role model for people who desire to lose weight – but to do it the right way. Although this comedy queen seems to have it all, Amy has been struggling with her weight for years and at some point in her life even weighed around 160 pounds. In order to achieve the amazing figure she now has after her pregnancy, Amy went on a diet and her plan consisted of eating healthier foods and tweaking her breakfast routine. She even started working out with a personal trainer, including a whole lot of jogging. She posted her thoughts about losing weight on her Instagram with a hashtag #NoRush, to spread positive body image and encourage fans to take time on losing weight.

Rachael Ray – 40 Pounds – Work Out & Diet

Back in 2016, Rachael Ray was all over the news for gaining weight. Rachael is a famous chef that has her own television shows and, apparently, that can have a price. But fret not, the beautiful chef has lost 40 pounds and is looking healthier than ever! Losing that much weight has made her look younger than her real age (which is 51 but we never would have guessed). Rachael started losing weight after undergoing a complicated throat surgery, with a workout routine that involves mix of cardio and strength training. But all that weight does not just disappear if one does not take care of what they eat, which means Rachael also went on a diet – a Mediterranean diet to be exact. She mostly consumes salads composed of veggies and extra virgin olive oil just like they do in Greece and Italy. Oh, and there’s another bonus tip she has for fans: Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

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