189 Famous People Who Died & You Had No Idea

Death is something we wouldn’t ever wish on anyone, and if we had it our way, we want that our favorite celebrities could live forever. But the harsh truth is that death comes to all. Celebrities are public figures whom we idolize for the different emotions they invoke in us while they portray different characters on the big screen. Some stars’ passing shocked us because we could never have imagined that they dealt with secret medical issues of their own. Let’s take a look at 45 known names who said farewell to us too soon.

229. Dana Hill – DIABETES

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Dana Hill had displayed great athletic abilities when she was diagnosed with a very serious disease. Hill was the voice of mouse Jerry in Tom and Jerry: The Movie, and the actress was struggling with Type 1 diabetes since childhood, which induced many complications. She was known for her participation in National Lampoon’s European Vacation as well as her touching portrayal on Welcome Home Jellybean. The condition led to a paralytic incident that took Dana from us forever. She was only 32 at that time, and her family was devastated that no medical help could’ve prevented such a tragedy.


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