A Bank Refuses To Cash Black Architect’s Paycheck

Social media is abuzz with outrage because the branch manager of the KeyBrank branch of KeyBank in Seattle refused to cash the paycheck of Trish Doolin and proceeded to hold the check for nine days for the safety of the consumer. Was Trish Doolin trying to cash a fraudulent check? Wasn’t Trish Doolin able to verify her credentials? No, it wasn’t any of these factors. Social media along with Trish Doolin believe that the check was held back simply because Trish Doolin was black. Is the outrage justified? Let us consider the case history of this incident.

KeyBank Accused Of Racial Discrimination By Customer And Social Media.

Social Media Looks to Be Concentrating On Racism To Support Trish Doolin

Trish Doolin The Architect From Kirkland, Washington.

Horrifying stories about the color of people have been published throughout America with particular attention being paid towards Afro-Americans. There seems to be an unwritten rule in America that colored people should be shunned or looked down upon and black people have been stared at when shopping, driving or even walking. It was never before imagined that banks too would indulge in this behavior. However, things changed dramatically when Trish Doolin an architect from Kirkland, Washington attempted to cash her first paycheck from a new placement at the KeyBrank branch of KeyBank in Seattle.

The employee of the bank serving her began questioning the authenticity of her career as well as the check going well beyond what would normally have been considered as standard procedure. The employee of the bank could have simply asked for Trish’s ID for the verification but the teller of the bank also attempted to contact the HR department of Trish’s employer in Philadelphia. They also decided to ask a few invasive questions before deciding to hold the check for nine days just to be safe when things were sorted out. Doolin was a customer with the bank for just 29 days and was left astounded by the behavior.

Trish Doolin may well have been disappointed by the behavior of the bank knowing full well how people behave when they cross paths with colored individuals. She mentioned her frustrations to Buzzfeed news before going public on social media to give her account of the incident. Social media is presently abuzz with debates that are questioning whether the bank was conducting itself appropriately when dealing personally with Doolin or was it just a case of borderline racism?

KeyBank Claims It Does Not Tolerate Discrimination

Print Media Having A Field Day Reporting This Incident.

After the incident was publicized by the print and social media KeyBank has issued a statement claiming they do not tolerate discrimination which could well be the case. This could easily be a stray incident which the bank manager had inadequate knowledge about when Doolin was called back to the branch just 15 minutes after she deposited the check. After going through the normal procedures of verifying the check and asking a few questions the manager confirmed that the check will be held for nine days to be safe. By all accounts, this cannot be considered as a matter of racial discrimination.

Banks and its employees are responsible to conduct financial transactions in a proper manner while ensuring the safety of its customers as well as its employees. Would social media have reacted similarly if the bank was proven right in the actions they had taken? Doolin was definitely entitled to her frustration because she may have felt discriminated against. However, with a little thought, the matter could have been settled amicably without involving the print or social media to create an outrage.

What Precisely Is Social Media Trying to Prove?

Do People On Social Media Have All the Facts Of the Case In Hand?

Racism undoubtedly exists in America as it does in many countries throughout the world. Apart from stray incidents banks and organizations have largely made efforts not to become involved in such matters. One does not get to hear incidents happening like these every passing day and the best way to describe it would be as it is, a “stray incident.” Social media, on the other hand, is willing to jump on every issue regardless of whether it is justified or not.

The comments that are appearing on social media don’t just talk about black people but have also spoken about Mexicans and Asians. Trish Doolin may be overwhelmed by the support she is getting and with the passage of time may even decide to move her account to another bank. KeyBank may make all efforts to retain Trish’s account and may even apologize for the incident to avoid bad publicity. However, the fact remains that the HR department of the employer’s of Trish didn’t answer the call made to them by the bank to confirm her identity. Therefore the fault of the incident cannot rest solely at the doorstep of the bank. Social media may have a new subject to comment about but will do well to stay away from the issue because things are not expected to change because of the comments being made.

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