Successful Kid Entrepreneurs Who Made It Big Before Age 13

Many people find it challenging even to consider setting up a new business because they are caught up in their fears and overwhelmed about failure. They are unwilling to come out of their comfort zone and never push themselves to dream or experiment. Things are not the same with children who are prepared to dream and also to experiment. It may be one of the reasons why successful kid entrepreneurs who made it big before the age of 13 were able to set up successful ventures that are not just profitable but are generating revenues to the tune of millions. Let us look at the successful kid entrepreneurs who made it big before age 13.

[su_quote cite=”Jeremy Stoppelman” class=”cust-pagination”]As a kid, I harbored this fantasy of starting a company. I looked at the entrepreneur column in Forbes. I looked at it every month and thought, ‘I want to be that guy.’ [/su_quote]

Cory Nieves

Cory Nieves is just 10 years old but he is already the CEO and the head of distribution for his venture Mr. Cory’s Cookies which is offering an array of all-natural organic treats. Nieves sells approximately 1000 cookies over every weekend for about one dollar a piece.

His business has made an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show and also has over 30,000 followers on Instagram. The cookies are mostly purchased by local businesses because of the great quality of the product which is made by Cory along with his mother in a rented commercial kitchen. The weekly sales figures provided an indication he already has sales closing in on over $50,000 annually.

Leanna Archer

Leanna Archer was just nine years old when she began selling her own hair pomade under the brand name Leanna’s Hair, which was based on a recipe belonging to her great-grandmother. The line of all-natural products introduced by Archer has since expanded and presently have a combination of hair cleansers, conditioners, and treatments. Leanna is presently 17 and is the CEO of her company which has been acknowledged by leading business publications such as Forbes and success magazine.

Archer has also established schools and safe learning environments for underprivileged children in Haiti apart from starting the Leanna Archer Education Foundation with the intention of building schools.

Juliette Brindak

 Miss O and Friends was created by Juliette Brindak when she was just 10 years old and the website predominantly targets preteen girls and has also become one of the most popular websites for girls over the Internet.

Brindak has also introduced a line of Miss O and Friends books and other products which are all offering an array of self-esteem and content for building confidence. This young woman is presently the CEO and the editor of the site along with the book line. She also has a net worth of $15 million.

Lizzie Marie Likness

Trying to earn money to pay for horseback riding classes was the intention of six-year-old Lizzie Marie and to accomplish her objective she began selling homemade baked goods at the local farmers market. She received some help from her parents to develop and maintain a healthy cooking website with instructional videos which showed kids how to make healthy snacks and food. The business she established is called the Lizzie Marie Cuisine and Lizzie has had an opportunity to make an appearance on the Rachel Ray show and even has her own video series on the popular website WebMD.

Moziah Bridges

Moziah Bridges began making his own bow ties because he was not happy with the products displayed in the store. The fashion conscious 11-year-old Moziah had learned to sew from his grandmother and began selling his creations on Etsy. It wasn’t long before his creations made their way to several boutiques throughout the Southeast. Until this time Moziah has earned over $30,000 from his creations and is planning to start a clothing company for children soon.

[su_quote cite=”Stewart Butterfield” class=”cust-pagination”]I was pretty entrepreneurial as a kid. I had a lemonade stand. When I was 12, I arbitraged the price of 7-Eleven hot dogs; I’d buy the ones that are pre-wrapped with the bun and then sell them on the beach.[/su_quote]

Looking at the way these kid entrepreneurs have made it big before the age of 13 people who are staying within their comfort zone should begin thinking differently because there is no reason why they cannot establish a successful business of their own.

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