5 Financial Habits That You Shouldn’t Break

While everyone can earn money, not everyone has healthy financial habits. This is why some people, even those who have considerably high income, end up in debt with almost zero when they retire. Fortunately, it is actually never too late to be financially sound. To start off, here are some traits that you should develop and strengthen early on:

Know Your “Needs” and “Wants”

This is the first step and the most crucial financial habit that you can develop. Not until you know what you want and what you need will you be able to build up on other habits which will help you reach your financial goals. You need to know where your money goes and where to allocate such so that you can make the best use out of it.

You already know what are things you want and what the things you merely want are, but many times, the lines are thin. If this is the case, list the things that you spend on regularly and arrange them according to priority. After you have paid your bills, amortizations, set apart an amount of savings and are done with the groceries, the money left is what you can spend for yourself.

Set Up a Strategic Way of Saving

[su_quote cite=”Benjamin Franklin” class=”cust-pagination”]”An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”[/su_quote]

“It is never too early to encourage long-term savings,” says Ron Lewis. Saving some money is elementary knowledge, but actually putting a saving plan into action is something else that most people would fail at. It is really hard to save money when all your cash is within arms reach, so you need to adopt a strategy so force you into saving mode.

A very common strategy that has worked throughout the years is to pay yourself first. However, this too is hard to carry out. Another feasible option would be to set up your savings automatic transfer which has been considered by many as the easiest way to make your money grow. Just like most other things, getting into the habit is the most crucial things. Once you have it, watching the numbers grow can get very satisfying.

Follow a Budget

A lot of people know this idea, but they justify not doing this by thinking that they know better. When people start winging it, this is actually when they start making dumb financial decisions. Most of the time, people who end up broke are those who are not aware as to where their money goes; as long as they have money, they have something to burn.

A budget is actually much simpler than it seems. You can make one and not follow it to the nail, and still reach your financial goals. You can just list your bills and dues and schedule payments, putting into priority the more onerous ones.

Follow a Spending Mantra

Mantras are not just for yoga practitioners anymore. When you create a financial rule of thumb and keep reminding yourself about your spending decisions, you can surely make better financial decisions.

It is very important that you start changing your relationship with money. Instead of something that feeds you and something to burn, treat it as a resource which when you know how to use right, can make you wealthier and happier.


Plan for the Future

No matter how comfortable you might be in your life right now, if you do not have any savings, you are not future proof. If you had just gotten married or are still starting out on a career, the future can hit you hard if you are not financially ready. If you do not plan ahead, you can get overwhelmed with debt.

Things might no longer be as comfortable when your kids start going to school, or when your car or house needs repairs. This is a fact that you have to accept. Rather than deny all of this, you have a lot of time to prepare for this since it is already a certainty.

Whether you have financial goals or not, saving is an indispensable habit that you should learn to cultivate. Nobody knows what the future can bring so it is best for you to be ready if anything happens.

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