Helpful Ways To Stop Being Broke

A lot of people know how difficult it is to be broke, however, there are people who tend to forget that they are actually in control of their finances. That just mean that you will need to learn certain things when it comes to spending, saving, and earning, so you can prevent yourself from being broke again. It may not be easy, but every journey has their own rocky roads, it’s how you deal with them and how you manage them that would affect the goal. So to help you out for a bit, here are a couple of ways you must try to stop being broke.

[su_quote cite=”Larry Winget” class=”cust-pagination”]“Poor is a condition. Broke is a situation. Fix your situation before it becomes a condition.” [/su_quote]


One of the best things to do if you want to stop being broken is that you need to set your mind that you must chance your financial situation. Make it as a goal that you really want and at the same time need to reach. However, you need to specific on whatever it is you need to accomplish when it comes to your finances. Making short-term goals and slowly turning them into long-turn goals work best.  instance, your goal is to spend less than $100 of food in a certain amount of days, it is just a short-term goal and if you manage to succeed then slowly move your way to the long-term goals and you’ll realize you can actually be financially stable if you really want to.

Making short-term goals and slowly turning them into long-turn goals work best.  instance, your goal is to spend less than $100 of food in a certain amount of days, it is just a short-term goal and if you manage to succeed then slowly move your way to the long-term goals and you’ll realize you can actually be financially stable if you really want to.


This is probably one of the major reasons why people are broke, because they have a lot of credit card debts, or car loans, and student loans, that they wish could just magically go away. Unfortunately, your financial problem won’t go away unless you pay off all of your loans and debts. It is not that necessary for you to pay it all of at once because that is just impossible unless you won the lottery. Make sure to put money aside so that you’ll be able to pay off these loans slowly. It might take a while but the day will eventually come and you’ll be able to pay it all off. Just avoid getting loans in the future because it will just be a cycle.


Another reason why people go broke is that they simply couldn’t stop comparing their lives to other people, mostly to their friends and relatives. The reason is that they couldn’t accept the fact that the other people that they know are having better lives than them. For instance, your cousin is going to Paris for a vacation, she has been working so hard so she could that dream vacation, and then there’s you and you don’t want her to be the only one who’s going to have fun, so even if you can’t really afford it since you didn’t save up for it, you wouldn’t care if you go broke, you simply cannot expect that other people get to have more than what you have. If they have a new car, you’re going to get a better car, if they get new shoes, you’re going to get

For instance, your cousin is going to Paris for a vacation, she has been working so hard so she could that dream vacation. You feel like you have to do something similar, even if you can’t really afford it since you didn’t save up for it. Because of this envy, you wouldn’t care if you go broke, you simply cannot live within your means and let other people enjoy their hard-earned money.

If they have a new car, you’re going to get a better car. If they get new shoes, you’re going to get better and more expensive shoes. If you continue living like this, then you will never be able to be financially stable and you will never be happy. Stop comparing your life to other people, use your money wisely.


When it comes to tracking your expenses, it is ideal to list them down, collect all of your receipts so you can compute how much you have spent and how much you have saved. This way, you can make a budget and adjust every time you think you need to have a smaller or a bigger budget.


Last but definitely not the least is that you need to stop splurging. One of the main reasons why people go broke is that they simply couldn’t help themselves when it comes to buying unnecessary things. Remember that you are the one in control of your financial stability, so it’s your choice if you want to stay broke or not.

Do you know any other way to avoid going broke? Share what you think by leaving some comments. You may also share this article with your family and friends who might find this article helpful.

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