Keanu Reeves Gave This Family Surprise of a Lifetime, Proving He is the King of Kindness

If there’s an actor we really don’t deserve, it’s unquestionably Keanu Reeves, who, as we all know, is a kind-hearted celebrity who doesn’t act like he is an A-lister.

He belongs to, perhaps even sitting on top of, the list of the most affable thespians and the 54-year-old has never failed to show us that a little kindness goes a long way.

He remains to be one of the most loved simply because he is not like other millionaires who are snobs, just take a look at what he recently did.

Attractive Poster

While on the way to the set of Bill & Ted Face the Music in Louisiana, Keanu managed to answer a prayer of a family who posted a lawn sign that read “You’re Breathtaking,” alluding to what The Matrix star said during the E3 conference.

According to Ed Solomon who penned the script for the sequel of the comedy film and who thankfully documented the entire encounter, the actor, upon seeing the sign and realizing it was actually for him, leaped out of the car.

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter reprise their role for Bill & Ted Face the Music

According to Stacey Hunt, it was his 16-year-old son Ethan’s magnificent idea to put a poster as a way to welcome the actor into their neighborhood.

But the sign was too brilliant for other passersby not to notice, and amid the many fans, that’s when the mother noticed the one they hoped would notice their effort was actually there. She went to the actor in disbelief, Keanu then asked her if he could add a touch of his own onto it.

Life-Changing Moment

Keanu crouched down on the grass and wrote “Stacey, you’re breathtaking,” and signed his note. With a tight filming schedule, you would imagine the star immediately leaving the place after his random good deed, but no.

Naturally, Stacey called out to his sons and said that the internet’s boyfriend, a moniker the Canadian actor has earned for his compassionate and benevolent demeanor with or without a camera around, was here.

The actor jumped out of his car to sign a poster dedicated to him

After the brief yet life-changing engagement, Stacey recounted that Keanu returned their sign and planted it back on their lawn, shook their hands, then went on his way.

She further said that she can testify that what people read on the internet about him is true. But this was just the latest of the multitude of kind acts he has bestowed upon us.

‘Respectful King’

Apart from being the internet’s boyfriend, Keanu is also dubbed the respectful king after photos of him keeping distance with women, whether it be fans or actresses, during photo-ops circulated.

There are also times when his arms would go around a woman but he made sure that his hands do not touch anything. He also became a superstar on social media despite not having an account, thanks to the random people’s accounts that spurred countless memes.

A sad Keanu Reeves spotted in a park

In a way, he showed just how ordinary of a human being he is. In fact, there is a dedicated Twitter account called “Keanu doing things,” which is really just a compilation of his average-person activities.

One of which was a photo of him riding a subway while reading a newspaper and then giving up a seat for a woman. Another is taken while on a park bench eating a sandwich by his own.

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