Millennials Share How Money Using Instagram

Non-millennials might have bashed younger ones for being too engrossed on the internet, particularly social media. What they might not be aware of is that these platforms have opened doors to intricacies and transactions which have never been there before. Instagram, in particular, is very strongly present in the younger population and this is also why this app has become more influential than it appears. Here are some reasons why:

Instagram, the Modern Day Business Card

Instagram users have been finding ways to monetize their photos

Almost everything that had once been on paper had already been replaced by a high-tech counterpart, and the same is true for business cards. Maybe a lot of high-profile entrepreneurs still exchange them, but a lot of startups now look for each other’s Instagram accounts.

Donna McCulloch, a fashion stylist who has been working under the name Sulky Doll says that “Instagram is your shop front.” She adds that people no longer ask you for business cards anymore but instead, they ask you for your handle, which is the name you go by on your Instagram account. This is pretty instant and once both of you get your phones out, you are immediately connected.

A More Convenient Venue for Inspiration

Yoga instructor Cat Meffan habitually posts pictures of herself in really impressive and challenging yoga positions which are taken in different locations all around the globe. These have inspired a lot of her followers who are about 77,000 at the moment and growing. While inspiring many is already rewarding, this also helps her reinforce her business.

Meffan reveals that she sold out her first yoga retreat in five days and all that it took her was a single Instagram post. “I was extremely shocked and excited. That’s the power of Instagram” says Cat. She also reveals that it could take her about an hour in trying to come up with the best caption possible for her photos. More typically, this would cost her more time that even taking the photo itself.

Actively Reach Out

Instagram is able to penetrate consumers in a manner that no other manner of advertising has ever done before. This platform is able to reach out in a very intimate manner to almost everyone with an Instagram even in moments when they are alone or when they do not expect to be marketed to and this is why this has become a very effective marketing platform.

While a lot of businesses reach out to influencers for some help in promoting their content, bloggers can also reach out to brands or companies that could help them connect Instagram influencers with brands. However, do be aware that the application process to become a brand influencer has become really competitive. Some companies even accept only around 1% of influencers who apply to the brands that they represent.

Take Advantage of Instagram Stories

Some entrepreneurs use the Stories feature to post short and temporary videos, which they claim to show their followers who they really are. This has been considered by them as an antidote to the artificial feel that many Instagram influencers are notorious for adding to their images.

The Stories feature lets your followers get a closer look at you as a person and a brand. This can be somewhat like a peek behind the curtains. Of course, some of your followers might feel privileged to get a closer look at you amongst all the pretentious Instagram posts and this could be why this can be an effective marketing tool as well.

Maintain a Strong Presence on Social Media Sites

Peg Fitzpatrick, the author of “The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, has emphasized the significance of maintaining an active and professional social media presence across many different platforms, more importantly, LinkedIn.  She says that all the companies that she has worked with always checked LinkedIn to find out more about people who they would consider transacting with.

It would also greatly help you if you could have at least 5,000 followers on Instagram. While brands require their influencers depends on a lot of factors, most would generally require their influencers to have at least 5,000 followers, some would even demand more.

Whether you look at it for travel ideas, good-looking people or fashion advice, you cannot deny the amount of influence in store for Instagram. What do you think of these tips? How can you use Instagram to make your business grow? Share your thoughts and ideas with us in the comments below

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