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Celebrities You Thought Are Long Gone But They Are Not Planning Their Retirement Just Yet

Celebrities come and go over the years, and we often forget about stars we used to love and idolize at one time during our lives. Sometimes, we even regard them as ‘dead’ if we haven’t heard about them in a while! However, you may be surprised to hear that some of the greatest actors, singers and other well-known public personalities are still very much alive and kicking! That’s why we’ve come up with this list to figure out who is still working or enjoying life in the next chapter of their lives – in retirement.

Tanya Roberts – 65

If you see the actress, Tanya Roberts, hosting sessions on social media and just doing influencer things, don’t be taken aback, it is her! After announcing retirement in 2005 to take care of her family, the actress has now returned to bless our screen with her beauty and jovial personality! The model also wrote the forward to a book called The Q Guide to Charlie’s Angels!

For those who have trouble remembering who she is, Tanya appeared in the popular sitcom That ’70s Show, a James Bond film, and was a stunning Charlie’s Angel!


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