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Rare Photos From The History Books You Have to See to Believe

The invention of the camera and of photography, in general, changed the way we see history forever. In centuries past, history as we know it was recorded by the diarists, the writers, the painters and chroniclers who captured the great moments of their age. The everyday details of real life were lost between the cracks of time, and became unknowable mysteries, fleeting experiences which disappeared as soon as they occurred. Photography transformed everything: suddenly, we have those moments in time captured on film, and we are able to return to them again and again, and gaze in wonder at the happenings of many years ago.

Let’s step into a time machine of imagery, and take a look at an amazing collection of the rare photos you’d never come across in your history books!

1. A Royal Faint

It must be incredibly hard being a royal guardsman. Those hot uniforms, heavy helmets, and the need to stand still for long periods of time must be utterly exhausting. As this photo shows, for one guardsman it all became too much one sunny day, and he simply keeled over in front of The Queen as she passed by on horseback to inspect the troops.

Actually, this is by no means a rare occurrence. Guardsmen often faint at such parades, and in 2017, seven individual soldiers passed out during the ceremony which was held on a particularly hot day.

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