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Celebrities You Thought Are Long Gone But They Are Not Planning Their Retirement Just Yet

Celebrities come and go over the years, and we often forget about stars we used to love and idolize at one time during our lives. Sometimes, we even regard them as ‘dead’ if we haven’t heard about them in a while! However, you may be surprised to hear that some of the greatest actors, singers and other well-known public personalities are still very much alive and kicking! That’s why we’ve come up with this list to figure out who is still working or enjoying life in the next chapter of their lives – in retirement.

 Gina Lollobrigida – 91

Europe gave us some of the biggest female role models of the past century, and right up there with Sofia Loren and Brigitte Bardot was Gina Lollobrigida, the Italian beauty who made men lose their mind. She rose to prominence as an actress, and she’s been a big supporter of Italian-American film ventures. Apart from stunning looks, Lollobrigida proved that she has a very big heart as well, when in 2013, she sold her entire jewelry collection, making almost a $5-million money transfer to stem cell therapy researchers.

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