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Diese Stars haben nicht nur mit ihrer Karriere großes Glück, sondern auch mit ihren Partnern!

Günther Jauch & Dorothea Sihle, 32 years

You can almost say that Günther Jauch is something of an admitted institution in the television world. For many Germans he has achieved cult status, among other things through his moderation of “Wer wird Millionär” and many other formats on German television. But it wasn’t just in his job that he showed stamina, because his marriage has also been going on for a long time. He married his wife Dorothea over 30 years ago. 4 children have now been added to the family, two of them being biological children and the other two being adopted from Russia. They live together in Potsdam. Günther Jauch always likes to keep his family life private and values ​​life in nature.

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