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Diese Stars haben nicht nur mit ihrer Karriere großes Glück, sondern auch mit ihren Partnern!

Bettina Böttinger & Martina Wziontek, 4 years

Bettina Böttinger was particularly popular in Germany for her politically tinged moderations such as “Kölner Treff” or “B. meets … ”known. She actually trained as a moderator and journalist, but today she mainly works for her own production company, with which she particularly likes to make documentaries about animals. At least once you have them in any of their formats on the screen in Germany. In her private life she is married to Martina Wziontek, her long-time partner. You said yes a few years ago and now live in Cologne and now and then in the Eifel. The two are particularly active, not only socially but also athletically, together they run marathons.

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